Venue: Top Lounge (U523), Otakaari 1

Date & Time: Thursday 24.11.2022 from 06.30 PM

Annual Meeting 2022

In our annual meeting we will elect the new board members for 2023, go through the annual report of this year’s activities, check our financial statement, and set the preliminary plan for the next year. You can find the full agenda for the annual meeting attached to this message.

Electing Board Members

Being a board member in our organization is the best way of influencing our activities, get acquainted with student organizations and get to know the University management and processes. All our association members can apply for a board member position. If for some reason you cannot join the meeting and/or are otherwise interested in joining the board, send us an email to .

Remember that to be able to vote and be voted during our election meeting, you must be an official member of Aallonhuiput and must have paid the annual membership fee. For more details see (

Our annual meeting will be held at the Top Lounge on the main building (Otakaari 1, U523). The doors will open at 18:30 and our official meeting will start at 18:45. We will provide food and drinks for the participants so in order to reduce our food waste, please register to the meeting before coming! The sign-up is now open ( and will close on 23rd November at midnight. You can also join by Zoom and you will get the details for joining after you register.

Agenda of the meeting

  1. Opening of the meeting

  2. Selecting the meeting officials (chairman, secretary, two auditors and two vote counters)

  3. Checking the legality and quorum

  4. Accepting the agenda

  5. Deciding the membership fee for 2023

  6. Selecting officials for 2023:

6.1. President

6.2. Members of the board

6.3. Two auditors and a vice auditor for the year 2023

  1. Presenting preliminary annual report and financials of 2022

  2. Action proposal for 2023

  3. Closing of the meeting

After our official meeting, we plan to have an informal hangout either in Otaniemi or the city center; more details will come later.

If you have any questions regarding our annual meeting or board positions, don’t hesitate to get in touch, we are very much looking forward to having you onboard.