Venue: Myllykyläntie 161, 04360 Tuusula

Date & Time: Friday 15.07.2022 from 2 to 4 PM

Strawberry Picking

🍓It’s strawberry picking season! 🍓

What best way to enjoy Finnish summer than by enjoying some fresh self-picked berries 😋

In a self-picking strawberry farm you are free to pick as many strawberries as you want and you will be charged based on the kilos you pick. You only need to bring your own bucket or cardboard box, hat, water bottle and gloves if you need. Bring also some extra waterproof shoes in case the ground is wet.

The price per kilo is 4.90 euros and you can also purchase other handmade products of the farm like strawberry juice.

You don’t need to register, just come and join us but please drop me a message (or thumbs up) if you are planning to join so we can have an estimate of the people joining.